Friday, April 8, 2011

If I could start today over...

I don't even know if I could do anything different. I am so frustrated. The whole house is in chaotic. I woke up this morning with a different idea of how my day would go.

Got up at 6 and attempted to make a full pot of coffee, I only have 3 scoops of beans left. OK...that's alright, we'll deal.

Made some French toast, before I could even sit down to eat, my husband and I get in an argument. I am not hungry anymore.

Then my man-boy decides he will just grab a piece and shove it in his mouth (after waking up a half hour late). Then he and I get in an argument in the car. In which, he decides to use the fact that because Richard and I argued this morning, that is why I am now arguing with him. So I have to basically tell him point by point all the reasons why I am upset with him. (oh and the beloved Flashback Friday mix at 7:30 that I look forward to, I missed it because I was arguing ....and they played Prince. Weep)

Talk about draining... I am drained. I need a break. I need a long weekend to myself. One I will not get right now. So I called my friend, right away she said "oh, no bad energy" that made me laugh. Love her!  So after 5 minutes of analyzing American Idol together, which by the way, I understand why Pia is gone. Beautiful girl, beautiful voice but her performances or lack thereof put me to s.l.e.e.p.

Anyhow, I unloaded on my friend and because we are each others "mirrors"  I do feel a better, but issues are still unresolved. I am currently awaiting a call from a MFT so Richard, Alexander and I can begin to work things out. You see the whole "blended family" scenario kinda sucks sometimes. So we have work to do.

I am Tahoe dreaming a little over a month I will have some time to myself, by myself and some girl friends.  A weekend in which I will reflect back to today and be grateful that we are passed "this day" and already progressing into the future.

As far as immediate relief. A good friend and a coffee shop and some time at the park for Dominic are awaiting.

How do you immediately relieve stress? Do you have any fun plans for this weekend? Has your morning been good so far? Your week? OH and whose your favorite on American Idol contestant, I do realize from all the FB posts that my thoughts of Pia are not the consensus.  I'd love to hear from you...

Happy Friday! Have a fantastic weekend :)

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